Champignon-Quiche 4 Ina
Ina's third assignment: an illustration for a cookbook. Each of us got a recipe from a random classmate. Now it's up to us - the means of illustration are completely free. So I started making sketches as a regular base for further illustrations. I am thinking about realizing one or two of them in watercolors...
Some more info about the sketches so far:
1) Going through the ingredients I constantly came to think of such things as "summer" or "freshness" - probably due to the lemon juice and the "Frühlingszwiebeln" (~ springtime onions). Funny though, I think a champignon-quiche is neither light nor fresh or summery at all :) anyway, I made the mushrooms a kind of foreground. The girl in the middle is playing volleyball as a sign for that whole (inappropriate) summer feeling. It was just a first try, so let's move on.
2) Just a big mushroom. Tried to get the ground look like boiling fluids, but I guess I didn't succeed there, huh? ;) neeext!
3) That's better. Like a crushing wave of mushrooms and dough, the champignon-quiche rushes towards the spectator. I actually like that one pretty much. Still, I miss all the other ingredients here. But putting them in the dough, too, takes away that main element of mushrooms in the recipe. I'll have to think about that... maybe I'll decorate the sky with onions, garlic and eggs to round up the impression of tasty food. I could as well create a sort of pattern, just like on wallpapers, with all the ingredients on it and put it behind the wave.
4) Totally new try, it's a little pun ;) I instantly have to think of a "champion" once I hear the term "champignon"; plus, the letter Q is quite rare, so i put the first three letters of the quiche on a podium and let them win (sounds weird, doesn't it?). It's a "Champion-Qui" - what a shame the "che" didn't make it...
5) I tried to come up with a still life which includes all the ingredients. Took a couple of tries to get them in a good constellation, but I think this one works just fine. All the ingredients are in it, and after having finished this, I came to think about doing it all over again in watercolors. It's my favorite sketch so far, very classy and functional. Probably the best way to go in a recipebook on a more serious level.
More sketches are yet to come, but a start has been made at least now :)
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